
Xidian Media Lab


Xidian Media Lab was founded in April 2015 by Prof. Cheolkon Jung, and is investigating various topics in multimedia signal processing and communications. Current research activities of the lab include: (1) Deep learning for machine intelligence, (2) Stereoscopic 3D video processing, (3) Multimedia annotation, retrieval, and forensics, (4) Image super-resolution, (5) Computational photography, and (6) Perceptual video coding and H.265. In recent five years, the lab has achieved technical breakthroughs in content creation, coding/decoding, and visualization of advanced visual media such as ultra-high definition (UHD), high dynamic range (HDR) and stereoscopic 3D (S3D) videos.

For contributions to the international collaborations and standardizations, the lab was authorized by Shaanxi Provincial Government, China as International Cooperation Base (International Center for Advanced Digital Media Research) in 2016, and the Institute of Information and Communication Technology Promotion (IITP), Korea as Global ICT Talent Fostering Institution in 2019. Currently, there are 4 full-time faculties, 1 post-doctoral researcher, 3 international exchange students, 7 PhD students, 35 master students, and 2 managing staffs in the lab. The alumni of the lab include 5 PhDs (1 international exchange PhD) and 43 masters.

Join Us

We are looking for new members: full-time faculties (all levels),
graduate students and post-doctoral researchers.
Contact: zhengzk@xidian.edu.cn

Latest News

(2023-4-4) 郑喆坤团队荣获“OPPO常识产权部优秀合作伙伴”

(2022-1-27) 西电科研平台在陕西省国合基地评估中获优

(2020-12-5) 孙天博士获IEEE VCIP 2020 - Grand Challenge Award (Amazing Grace)

(2019-6-5) 西电媒体实验室入选"全球性ICT人才培养单位"

(2019-1-2) 苏浩楠博士加入西电媒体实验室

(2018-11-27) 西电媒体实验室建设的学科和科研平台:
1.学科: 新数字媒体与通信技术
2.平台: 陕西省新一代数字媒体国际合作基地

(2018-6-15) 柯鹏硕士获第四届“工程硕士实习实践优秀成果获得者”荣誉

(2018-3-15) 刘怡博士加入西电媒体实验室



Brochure available HERE!


Physical Address

Office 320, The Red Building,
Xidian University
2 South Taibai Road
Xi’an, 710071

?2015 Xidian Media Lab. All rights reserved.
Email: jushutaoxidian@163.com
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